Thursday, May 24, 2012

Radiation Update from Ryan

Tomorrow will be the end of my fourth week of radiation! Wow it's hard to believe I've been at this almost a month already. There are moments when it seems to go quickly, and then times when it drags on.

This process is more difficult than I expected. I don't feel the greatest at times. The fatigue and nausea were worst last week but are still very present. Being away from Kendra and Colton is more difficult than I expected.

I've had a number of visitors or other patients that I've connected with. Thanks to every one who has or is planning on stopping by. I really appreciate it.

I'm sorry I haven't posted much lately. Please pray I would be able to focus better and be more productive. The chemo drugs are starting to give me chemo brain again and it makes it hard to think some times.

Thanks so much for all your prayers and support. Kendra and Colton and I are so grateful for all the friends who have reached out to help us right now.

I would tell you God is doing some very exciting things with us behind the scenes. Please pray for wisdom and discernment for Kendra and I as we seek to be obedient through out this process.


Mimi' said...

Oh Ryan, please don't worry right now about being more productive ! YOU ARE BEING so productive already. You are working so hard to get rid of the much more productive can you possibly be ??? We all understand when you don't feel up to writing....I think you are being way to hard on yourself right now. I congratulate you on getting through these last four weeks! You are amazing and we all love you and of course will continue to pray. God bless you and make you well Ryan....

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I look forward to hopefully seeing you this summer!