Sunday, November 25, 2012

A nice little Sunday

What a roller coaster this weekend has been!

Late last night I spiked a fever and pretty much felt like garbage all over. The fever must have broke in the middle of the night because I was up almost every hour dealing with night sweats. I was able to sleep in a little this morning and am generally feeling really well right now. The fever is gone, the pain is less and there aren't any other side effects right now. 

Right now I'm watching Kendra and Colton make Christmas ornaments, I'm listening to the MSU basketball game on the radio, and we're going to go get our Christmas tree this afternoon with my father in law's help. 

This journey is such an up and down battle and in the middle of a "battle" it can be easy to lose sight of the "war". We constantly remind ourselves that God is always in control. A friend of mine commented on one of our status updates and said, "Stay strong and know you are safe in God's hands today and every day."

Isn't that the truth? We're always safe in God's hands, and I know that's where I am. We aren't always guaranteed to be comfortable, but I do know he'll protect me and watch out for me. Even though I know this promise it was good to be reminded during our little episode. 

So every time I feel a pain in my side as I breath I'm going to take that opportunity to thank God for all that I have and the opportunities he's placed in front of me. I know I'm safe, so the next step is to be obedient. 

It's easy to worry and get lost in anxiety but that's me telling God I don't believe in His safety or I don't want it because I can do it better. This is where trust becomes difficult, when my idea of the future may not match up with God's plans. However I've read the end of the book and I know that no matter what happens God's plans will not be foiled, His plans for me, for my family, and for the world. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I needed this Ryan... Thank you!