Saturday, November 24, 2012

Headed to the ER

Kendra and I are on our way to the emergency room this morning. The pain in my back has been manageable over the last couple days but is not getting noticeably better. I actually slept through the whole night last night, but as I woke up it is still there when I breath and move wrong. 

After consulting with our doctor's in Chicago they advised we head to get a check up at our ER. This pain is not normal for the Therasphere treatment and so they don't know what might be causing it. 

This is very frustrating, scary, and not at all what we wanted to do this weekend. However we're going to err on the side of caution and see if we can't get to the bottom of things. 

Please pray for us..

1. Please pray for Kendra and I. We have been through some up and down weeks lately and were really really really looking forward to four straight days with Colton doing family time. We had to send Colton to her folks house this morning.
2. Please pray for wisdom for the ER Dr's. I'm slightly skeptical that they'll be able to figure anything out. This is a very complicated case and there are so many variables. The risk of being wrong is great and it can be a worry to us. 
3. Please pray for the elimination of the symptoms and for my healing. We still pray every day for God's will to be done no matter what. Pray that we would have opportunities to honor Him no matter what. 

God is good. His blessing and mercy is unending and never failing. He knew we'd be heading to the ER today and so this is part of His plan. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All my love & prayers forever <3