Monday, April 30, 2012


Up until the last year, I can honestly say that I have suffered very little in my life.

Growing up, I was the princess, the last child in our family and the only girl.  I wouldn't say that I was spoiled rotten, but I never wanted for much.  My mom loved dressing me in cute clothes, my dad thought that I hung the moon, and my older brothers played with me and doted on me (except for when my brother Ryan was beating me up).  I am fairly booksmart and school was never a challenge.  College was a breeze, and I graduated in four years even though I did two majors and one minor.  Master's degree done by 26 years old.  Married to my high school sweetheart at the age of 21.  Perfect, healthy son.  No problems with pregnancy.  Always had a teaching job even in a tough economy.  Even more amazingly, no one close to me has ever died.  I still have all four of my grandparents.  My parents are still living.  I knew even before cancer struck my husband that I had a golden life.

What is suffering?

In April of 2011, I finally learned what suffering meant.  Before, I thought that suffering was having to eat out less in a month because we had spent too much money in another area of our budget, or having to take antibiotics for a bad sinus infection.  No.  That's not what suffering is.  Those are minor annoyances.

When a doctor looked at me levelly last year and told me that my husband was going to surely die of cancer and most likely within the following year, I felt like my life screeched to a sudden halt at that very moment.  In a way, it kind of did.  The golden life ended.  There were times in the couple of months after Ryan was diagnosed that I cried and sobbed and raged and despaired until the point that I could hardly breathe.  There were days that I felt like I wished I was dead, because I couldn't bear the pain I was feeling in that moment and could not scarcely imagine the pain that was ahead of me.  I haven't felt the physical effect of this journey, but the emotional hell that I've been through already has been harrowing at times.  By definition, suffering is a participle of "to suffer", which means to experience something bad or unpleasant.  Yeah, I've been there.

What purpose does suffering serve?

So many people have asked God, "Why Ryan and Kendra?  They are good people.  They should not have to go through this," and I cannot answer that question.  I know that amazing things have come out of this and I see purposes, but I do not know why us as opposed to someone else.  It begs the question, has God ordained for us to go through this, or has He allowed us to walk through this fire?  Does it really even matter?  Either way, we as Christians are called to share in the sufferings of the cross.  That means that not only are we NOT guaranteed a comfortable life as Christians, we are expected to live a life that includes a degree of suffering.  Think of it this way: early Christians were pretty much assured of a life of extreme suffering and persecution for following Christ.  Would you still have followed Christ if you were certain that your life would be difficult afterwards?

Through suffering we are purified.  Not purified of our sins, which were paid for by Christ's death on the cross, but purified of our unbelief, our apathy, and our worldly desires.  When all those things are stripped away from us, Christ shines more completely and more brilliantly through us.  Throughout the cancer journey, I feel like God has had me on a tether of 12 inches or less.  Even throughout my mini-depression that has come on lately, He has not allowed me to wander too far from Him.  My understanding of God and His character and the way that his promises are intimately entwined with each other is priceless.  In fact, as I was discussing with my friend Cindy, who lost her husband to cancer just over a year ago, she and I agreed that though we have been through stages of hell (she much more than I have), we would not trade our suffering.  Our relationships with the Lord have both thrived and He has become everything to us...after all, when life and security is ripped away, He is one strong tower that will not fall or waver.  Would we have had this dependency on Him if it hadn't been for cancer?  No, probably not.  And you really can't put a price on growing thisclose to God.

Our eternal glory

Paul was pretty adamant that even extreme suffering is pretty minor when we compare it to the riches that await us in eternity.  He mentions this comparison a few times in the New Testament, among them:

Romans 8:18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.


So those moments where I despaired and sobbed and raged and felt so much heartache that I had a hard time dragging my weary load...

Are nothing...light and momentary troubles!...when compared to the glory that awaits those of us who follow Christ.

Never before this time in my life has Romans 5 made more sense:

Romans 5:1-5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Can you honestly say in your heart that you are not afraid of suffering?  If your hope is in the things of this world, then the loss of your physical and emotional comfort will lead to insecurity, instability, and fear.  But when your hope lies in the incomparable glory of an eternity abiding in Christ, you will have the ability to face suffering with an unshakable hope, a direct result of God's grace lavished on the people that He loves enough to allow them to share both His son's suffering and His glory.


Anonymous said...

Kendra when I questioned why me? God answered much quicker than I expected as I was sitting in the car crying after my diagnosis & this song came on "Only the good die young" by Billy Joel... I had to smile hmmm does God really think I'm a "good one".
If u think about it - it does make sence as it takes God longer to get to the "bad ones" so the good ones go first.
You all remain in my prayers ~ hugs, Juanita

Denise Conroy said...

Oh Kendra, such an inspired word of God written here. I sobbed through the whole thing! It touched my heart so much. God is calling you both to a higher purpose and you & Ryan are stepping up to the plate with such willingness & determination. I loved what you said about begin tethered to God during this suffering!! It is so true. This life is so fleeting and what God has allowed you to experience through this, most people never grasp in a lifetime. We continue to pray for you all and wisdom for the Doctors. We hope to meet you soon, Kendra. In Christ's Love, Denise

Lyn Bruins said...


You don't know me but I am a member of Fellowship Ref. Church. I was there the morning that you spoke up front. I pray that you are feeling well.

The reason I am writing you is because I am a breast cancer survivor, developed a staff infection, have cronic pancreatitis, have had several bile ducts opened and I also have Lupus and the many problems that go along with that disease. I am not writing to tell you about me though, I was curious if you have looked into or tried any alternative medicine. I watch a chanel called Veria Living, channel 218 on Dish TV, a holistic living channel. I am taking many supplements that seem to help me a lot. I found some of my supplements at youngevity, a online holistic site.

On a program on Veria Living called The Incurables, I have seen many people with very severe cases of cancer use holistic medicine and be cured. One that comes to mind is a gal who hand cancer when she was young, used chemo. and the cancer went into remission. Then when she grew up and was college age she again had cancer, first in her leg and then it spread into her lungs and liver. After much research her family found a Dr. in Reno, Nevada, who is a holistic oncologist. They made an appointment and flew there for treatment. He kept her on a low dose of chemo. and also put her on a multitude of supplements. He changed her diet to all fresh foods and no sugars. You name it she took it. In one month she had test done again and it showed all her cancer had disappeared. They were amazed! She stayed on those supplements for 2 or more years.

I'm just writing you to tell you this information, I don't know what you have done, but I didn't feel right to know this and not tell you. God works in many ways and I just felt nudged to let you know this.

If you have any questions or would like to contact me, my email address is, and my phone no. is 616-443-9154.

God bless you both,

Lyn Bruins

I first formatted this as an email and then noticed that I didn't have your email, so I posted it here instead.

Anonymous said...


Wow, thanks for sharing your story! It was really our pleasure to share our story at your church. What a wonderful group of people there.

The short answer is, yes holistic treatment is part of our plan and our hospital very much embraces it. I have a naturopathic Dr. a dietician, and an oncologist. It all is part of our treatment.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support!

Anonymous said...

How about Insulin Potentiation Therapy? Just read about it online today and thought of you.

Anonymous said...

Kendra I like ur spin on suffering WAY more than mine and it gives hope to the daily hell I am going through as if there's purpose...