Thursday, April 21, 2011

Welcome to CTCA

Hey guys, we're here! We arrived at CTCA at about 10:30 p.m. last night. The hotel that we're staying at is very nice, it's owned by the Center and very modern. So far the staff that we've encountered has been very helpful. We have only accomplished eating breakfast so far this morning, but Ryan's initial appointments start in a little over an hour.

I had a line pop in my head two days ago that I've been thinking over and over again the last couple of days that I wanted to share with you all - it's sort of an amalgamation of a few different phrases and song lyrics, I'm sure - "With the Lord before us and the body of Christ behind us - who can stand against us?" What comfort there is in knowing that we are surrounded by people who are helping carry us through this and diligently praying for our family. What comfort there is in knowing that the Lord is sovereign and has the smallest minutiae of this journey planned out, and that his will is perfect and good.


Anonymous said...

Love the blog! Helps us know how to pray! God Bless!

Anonymous said...

I am impressed by your growth in faith and the influence of your. God is being glorified. Thank you. . .I am so proud of you!