I woke up this morning feeling really well. The jaundice was much reduced from yesterday and the pain was a lot less as well. As I write this tonight the pain is almost completely gone. I had lots of energy and drive today and was able to work all day at work. It was actually one of my more productive days in a while.
I've been waiting all day to hear back from my regular oncologist. They have been waiting to receive my records from the local ER from the weekend. Once I heard that I used my motivational skills to get this process rolling. Once my regular nurse finally talked to my oncologist he was not concerned considering how well I was doing and all the information from the weekend. So we are going to go back to normal and unless something dramatic happens we will assume this was all a complication from the procedure and nothing more serious. I will have more blood work on Friday to make sure things are headed in the right direction.
You can imagine this is quite a relief for Kendra and I. It has been an exhausting weekend and we're both very thankful for the outcome. I am confident this is in no small part to the overwhelming amount of prayer and intensity of those prayers that many of you were sending our way.
Cancer has many ups and downs and it's hard not to over react or under react. We learn to take things a day at a time and not much further. The unknown brings much anxiety but the wonderful part is what I do know.
I know God is in control, and He loves me. I know His plan is perfect. I know there is peace in the storm if I surrender my fears, wants, ambitions, and worries to Him.